第一招:Her very first day at work, the new girl got off on the right foot by making a profit for the company.
这位新来的女员工上班的第一天就为公司赚了钱,一开头就很顺利。(Yeah, it is right. It's important to get off on the right foot in a new job. )
解析:get off on the right foot的英文解释是make a good beginning。中文意思就是一开头(一开始)就顺利。用我们中文说得更地道点就是“开门红”。它的变异表达有:get off to a good start,get off to a flying start。
1. The marketing director took pains to get the campaign off on the right foot.
注解:take pains:尽力,下苦工,努力,费尽心机 get something off on the right foot 使......开门红 maketing director:营销部主任,营业部主任
2. If you can get off on the right foot,everything will go smoothly later on.
注解:go smoothly:进展顺利;顺利进行 later on:以后,今后
第二招:I finally got a date with that new girl in class but I sure got off on the wrong foot with her: I had a car trouble and got to her place almost two hours late.
解析:get off on the wrong foot很显然就是get off on the right foot的反义词了,意思是一开始就不顺利,用我们中文说得更地道一点就是“出师不利”。
On the first day to work in the company, you should get well dressed. You do not want to get off the wrong foot, do you?
注解:get well dressed:穿得体面点