今天我们继续谈“笑”。今天要谈的笑可是一种动物发出来的笑声,非常有趣,very juicy!那么到底是什么呢?
Harry thinks he's God's gift to women: that none of them can resist his charm. So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost.
接招:在刚才我们听到的范文中,可以听到一个奇怪的词语:horse laugh。Horse ,马;laugh,笑。作为习语,它的意思是a loud, coarse laugh,指的是因不信任不喜欢某人而嘲笑某人。A horse laugh是一条名词性习语,要做谓语,和动词give搭配,即:give a horse laugh。还可以和make搭配,即:make a horse laugh。
例句-1:At the end of the joke she gave a horse laugh that could be heard a street away.
例句-2:He is so stupid and promises that he can ace the exams in all subjects this semester. It is enough to make a horse laugh.
好,知道了horse laugh的意思,我们最后回到刚才听到的范文中来看看范文是什么意思。
Harry thinks he's God's gift to women: that none of them can resist his charm. So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost.
注解1:Harry thinks he's God's gift to women的意思是Harry认为他就是上帝给女儿的礼物。在西方人眼中,上帝在人们心中占据着极其重要的地位。上帝赐予的东西是最好的,这句话的意思就是说Harry认为女人得到他就是最好的东西,他很有魅力,女人都会为之神魂颠倒。
注解2:resist one's charm:抗拒某人的魅力
Eg. Nowadays both children and adults cannot resist a computer's charm.
注解3:the new girl in class:班上的新女生 in class:在班上 at class:在上课
注解3:she told him to get lost中的get lost,我们都知道有“迷路”的意思,但是在这句话中是“滚开,走开”的意思。
Eg . Get lost! I do not want to see you anymore! 滚吧!我不想再见到你。
Eg . Get lost, buster! 走开, 老兄!
Eg . I told them to get lost 我叫他们别来打扰我。
好,亲爱的朋友们,我们今天的这招说“笑”,说“Laugh”,是一个非常Juicy的词语,一个非常有趣的词语 —— a horse laugh,是用于某人说出了他能做某事,可是对方出于不信任他不喜欢他而发出大大的嘲笑之声。我想您一定接住了。在下回我们继续谈笑,“笑一笑,十年少。”何不多乐一下呢?期待您再来接招,和Juliet一起学地道英语。我们下期再见。