quarter['kwɔːtə(r)]n. 四分之一;一刻钟
I went to bed at a quarter to ten yesterday. 昨天我九点三刻上床睡觉。
I paid only a quarter of the list price. 我只付了四分之一价目表的价钱。
queen[kwiːn]n. 皇后;王后;女王
The crowd cheered loudly as the Queen appeared. 女王出现时群众高声欢呼。
The queen ruled her country for 10 years. 这位女王统治了她的国家10年。
question['kwestʃən]n. 问题
I'd like to ask a question. 我想问一个问题。
Your answer to the question is wrong. 你对这个问题的回答是错误的。
quick[kwɪk]adj. 快的;敏捷的;迅速的
We are pressing them to make a quick decision. 我们正在敦促他们迅速作出决定。
She is a quick learner. 她学东西很快。
quickly['kwɪkli]adv. 快地;迅速地
It gets cold quickly. 天气很快冷下来。
He gets dressed quickly every morning. 每天早晨他很快就穿好衣服。
quiet['kwaɪət]adj. 安静的
I will do anything for a quiet life. 我要千方百计过安定的生活。
I wish you would be quiet. 我希望你要静一些。
quietly['kwaɪətli]adv. 安静地
The boy is sleeping away quietly. 那个男孩一直安静地睡着。
I sat quietly in the moonshine. 我在月光下安静地坐着。
quite[kwaɪt]adv. 完全;十分;相当
The car is quite small. 这辆汽车相当小。
It is quite nice in summer in Dalian. 大连的夏天凉爽宜人。
quiz[kwɪz]n. 测验
They will have a quiz tomorrow morning. 他们明天早晨将进行一个小测验。
The teacher asked us to prepare for a quiz. 老师要我们准备好测验。