批准授信(企业对消费者) Approval for Credit Application(Business to Customer)
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for requesting a credit account at Xinning Toys.谢谢您申请在新宁玩具公司开设授信账户。
2.We have received your request for a credit account with Xinning Toys.我们已经收到了您要在新宁玩具公司开设授信账户的申请。
3.We have approved your request for a credit account with us in the amountof¥10,000.我们已经批准您在我们公司开设授信账户,您的信用额度为1万元。
4.Your application went through our Credit Control Department successfully, and we will extend to you the¥888 sales credit immediately.您的申请成功地通过了我们的信贷管理部的审查,我们将立即为您提供888元的销售信贷。
5.I have attached a document describing our credit policies and procedures inmore detail.我已经附上了一份文件,其中详细介绍了我们的授信政策和程序。
6.On receipt of this email you may start making credit purchases with us.收到此邮件后,您就可以在我们公司进行赊购了。
7.Your credit account is operative with immediate effect.您的授信账户立即生效。
8.If you wish to increase your credit limit you may apply for a review after 6months.如果您希望增加您的信用额度,您可以在6个月之后申请审核。
9.We look forward to filling your orders and meeting your requirements.我们期待着为您供货,并愿意满足您的一切要求。
10.Please call me(010-5665-3321)if you have any questions.如果您有任何问题,请给我打电话(010-5665-3321)。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Re:Credit account
Dear Miss Fang,
Thank you for requesting a credit account at Xinning Toys. We are pleased to grant you an initial credit line of 5,000 yuan.I have attached a document describing our credit policies and procedures in more detail.
Here are some details concerning your account:
1.You will be billed the first day of the month.
2.The balance is due within 30 days, interest free.
3.Any balance owed beyond 30 days will be subject to a 15 percent annual finance charge.
We look forward to filling your orders and meeting all your requirements. Please call me(010-5665-3321)if you have any questions.
Kindest regards,
Emily Fu