拒绝授信申请(企业对消费者) Credit Application Rejection(Business to Consumer)
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for requesting a credit account at Xinning Toys.谢谢您申请在新宁玩具公司开立信用账户。
2.After careful consideration we regret to say that we are unable to provideyou with a credit account at this time because of your poor credit history.经过认真考虑之后,我们很遗憾地通知您,由于您的不良信用记录,我们目前不能为您开立信用账户。
3.Unfortunately, you do not have a long enough business history for us toextend you credit at this time.很遗憾,您与我们的交易历史还不够长,因此,目前我们不能给您增加信用额度。
4.We are really sorry to say that we cannot grant you credit terms at thistime.我们非常遗憾地通知您,我们目前不能授予您赊购条件。
5.We have reviewed your credit application but are sorry to say that yourrequest has been denied.我们已经收到了您的授信申请,但是,我们非常遗憾地通知您,您的申请被拒绝了。
6.If you would like to reapply in 6 months time we will be happy to reviewyour application.如果您愿意在6个月之后重新申请,我们将很高兴地重新考虑您的申请。
7.Your application may be resubmitted in 6 months time.您可以在6个月之后重新提交授信申请。
8.If you would like to discuss this matter further then you may call me on 010-6774 8585.如果您希望进一步探讨这件事情,就请您给我打电话,号码是010-6774 8585。
9.If you disagree with our decision you may call me at 010-6774 8585.如果您不同意我们的决定,您可以给我打电话,号码是010-6774 8585。
10.If you have further information that may change our decision pleasecontact me.如果您还有可能改变我们决定的其他资讯,请联系我。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Re:Credit account
Dear Miss Fang,
Thank you for requesting a credit account at Xinning Toys. After careful consideration we regret to say that we are unable to provide you with a credit account at this time because of your poor credit history.If you would like to reapply in 6 months time we will be happy to review your application.
Please call me(010-5665-3321)if you have any questions.
Kindest regards,
Emily Fu