拒绝购买办公设施 Buying Office Facilities Rejection
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for your request for a new photocopier.谢谢你提出的购置新复印机的请求。
2.I have looked into this matter and agree with you that our present one is nolonger economically viable.我已经研究过这个问题了,而且,我同意你的意见,我们现在的这台……从经济效益的角度考虑不划算。
3.However, we have not budgeted for a new photocopier during thisfiscal year so I am afraid that you will have to make do with the present photocopier until such time as finances permit us to buy a new one.但是,在这个财政年度我们没有添置新复印机的预算,因此,我很抱歉,在财务状况允许我们购买新复印机之前,你们还得凑合着用现在这台。
4.Unfortunately, due to present financial restrictions, I cannot sanction thepurchase of a……at present.不幸的是,由于目前财务状况的限制,我们暂时不能批准采购……
5.Regretfully, we are not able to replace the……for the foreseeable future.很遗憾,在可预见的将来,我们不能更换……
6.We are not able to buy the……during the present financial year.在本财政年度,我们无力购买……
7.Please resubmit your request during the next fiscal year.请在下个财政年度里重新提出申请。
8.Can you manage with the present one until circumstances change?在情况好转之前,你能先凑合着使用现有这台吗?
9.I hope that you can understand our decision not to replace it at present.我们目前还不能替换它,我希望你能理解这个决定。
10.Thank you again for your suggestion and I am sorry that we cannot replaceit at present.再次感谢你的建议。我很抱歉,我们目前不能替换它。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Re:New photocopier
Dear Mr. Tang,
Thank you for your request for a new photocopier. I have looked into this matter and agree with you that our present one is no longer economically viable.However, we have not budgeted for a new photocopier during this fiscal year so I am afraid that you will have to make do with the present photocopier until such time as finances permit us to buy a new one.
Thank you again for your suggestion and I am sorry that we cannot replace it at present.
Yours sincerely,
John Wu