表示能力 Expressing Ability
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.We can definitely finish the project by tomorrow.我们明天肯定能够完成该项目。
2.I can definitely fix your computer by 3 p.m.我肯定能在下午3点前修好你的电脑。
3.I can do that.我能办到。
4.I have the ability to stay focused for long periods of time.我有这种长时间集中精力的能力。
5.I am fluent in English and French.我的英语和法语都很流利。
6.I know I can get the job done in time.我知道我能及时完成这项工作。
7.I know that John is a very capable kind of person and he should have noproblem with the job you have given him.我知道约翰是个非常有能力的人,他绝对能胜任你交给他的这项工作。
8.She's very good at what she does.她对她所做的工作很在行。
9.He is a qualified accountant.他是个合格的会计。
10.He is skilled in translating scientific documents.他在翻译科技文献方面很有造诣。
经典范文 Model
Subject:New client project
Dear Mr. Zhao,
Although we have a lot of work on at the moment we can definitely finish the project by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. I have arranged for two assistants to help me so it should not be a problem.I will bring it to your office as soon as it is finished.
Best regards,
Alice Liu