责怪与抱怨 Blaming and Complaining
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.It's your fault that this has happened.发生这种事是你的错。
2.It was your mistake.这是你的错。
3.You're the one to blame for all this.这一切都怪你。
4.I'm blaming you for this.我因为这件事而责怪你。
5.No one else is to blame for this but you.这件事的过错全在于你,与别人无关。
1.How many times do I have to tell you?我得告诉你多少次啊?
2.I'm getting tired of always having to remind you.老得提醒你,真是烦死我了。
3.This is the third time you've made the same mistake.你这是第三次犯同样的错误了。
4.You really need to improve your negative attitude.你的确应该端正一下你的消极态度。
5.I've asked you several times to finish the report.我曾三番五次地要求过你完成这个报告。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Cancellation of Omega order
Dear Sibyl,
I have just heard that Omega Fish Oil have cancelled their order with us. Apparently you quoted a lower price than you should have and when you informed them of the new price they were not happy and decided to go elsewhere.It's your fault that this has happened.Please take more care in the future when quoting prices to clients.
Yours truly,
Vince Wang