过量 Excess
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.The hiring manager told me I was overqualified for the position.负责招聘的经理告诉我,就这个职位而言,我资历过高了。
2.At the moment we have excess production capacity.目前,我们的生产能力过剩了。
3.We have too many staff in the finance department.我们的财务部人员过剩。
4.Some of our employees are surplus to requirements.我们的一些雇员是多余的。
5.I had too much to drink at lunchtime and now I feel too sleepy to work.我午餐时喝了太多的酒,现在直犯困,无法工作。
6.Two of our factories are suffering from overproduction so we need to scaledown production targets immediately.现在我们的两个工厂出现了生产过剩,因此,我们需要马上减少生产定额。
7.I think your latest claims for expenses are a bit excessive, don't you think?
8.We have an overabundance of talent in our department.我们的部门人才过剩。
9.For the second month running, we have exceeded our sales targets.我们已经连续两个月超出了我们的销售目标。
10.We seem to have a surfeit of car components far above our immediateneeds.我们似乎囤积了太多的汽车零部件,远远超过了目前的需求量。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Staff proposed downsizing
Dear Michael,
I have been conducting a staff survey lately. I have found that some of our employees are surplus to requirements.In particular, we have too many staff in the finance department.Could you please look into your department and let me know which staff we can do without.In the present economic situation we want to be a lean company rather than a fat company.Please try your best to get rid of the“fat”.