新分店开张 Opening a New Branch
经典范文 Model
Subject:New branch opening
Dear customers,
It is my great honor to announce a new branch of Oriental Jeans to be opened on August 8th in the South Point of the Fortune Plaza.
As an opening celebration, we will be awarding a special 50%discount to the first 10 customers, every day, from August 8th.
We very much look forward to seeing you as one of those special distinguished customers.
The address of the new Oriental Jeans store is:8F, South Point Fortune Plaza,288 Hunan Road, Shanghai.
Yours sincerely,
Chang, Wei Min
我很荣幸地宣布,Oriental Jeans公司的一个新分店将于8月8日在财富广场的南面开张营业。
Oriental Jeans公司的新店地址是:上海湖南路288号,财富广场南面。