合并 Mergers
经典范文 Model
Subject:Merger announcement
The two leading convenience store companies, Alpha Shop Co.,Ltd(AS)and Beta Store Co.,Ltd(BS)will officially merge on April 12,2010.
The new company will be renamed Alpha Beta Chain Store Co.,Ltd(ABCS).
The new organizational structure reflects a significant change from a regional focus to a customer oriented focus. With centralized procurement and management, ABCS will be able to reduce costs and provide customers with higher quality products at cheaper prices.
Customers will find they have more choice and lower prices through this ABCS Merger.
For more information please contact:
Peter Ling
PR Director
Alpha Shop有限公司和Beta Store有限公司这两家主要的便利店公司将于2010年4月12日合并。
新公司将命名为Alpha Beta连锁店有限公司。
新的组织结构反映出一个显著的变化,即从以区域为重点的结构转变为以顾客导向为重点的结构。通过集中采购和管理,Alpha Beta连锁店有限公司将能够降低成本,并且为广大消费者提供更高质量、更低价格的商品。