One day, an old lady was walking along the road with a bag.有一天,有个老妇人背着包沿着路走。She was going to do some shopping.她本打算去买点东西。Suddenly, she found some broken pieces of glass on the road.突然,她看到路上有一些碎玻璃渣。She picked the pieces up and put them into the bag.她捡起碎玻璃渣,放进自己的袋子。A policeman came over and asked, "What are you doing?"有一位警察走过来然后问,“你在做什么?”The old lady took some pieces of glass out of the bag and showed them to him.这位老妇人拿出了玻璃渣给警官看。"Why do you pick up the broken glass?" asked the policeman.警察问,“你为什么要捡这些玻璃渣呢?”The old lady looked at the kids on the road and said with a smile, 'Look at the kids! They have no shoes on. I don't want them to hurt their feet."老妇人望着路上的孩子们微笑着说,“看这些孩子们!他们没有鞋子穿,我不想他们伤了小孩的脚。”"You're so kind," said the policeman.“您心肠真好”,警官说。And then he started to pick up the broken glass together with the old lady.然后他开始和这个老妇人一起捡玻璃渣。