Dear teachers, parents and friends,亲爱的老师、家长和朋友,It's my honor to speak to all of you today.今天,能够站在这里向各位发言我感到十分荣幸。Twelve years ago, I was six.十二年前,我六岁。And I remember my first day of school.回首上学的第一天,那时的情景仍历历在目。My parents were here with their camera, taking pictures and wishing me well.那天,我的爸爸妈妈都来了,他们还带了照相机给我拍照,并为我祝福。I was excited with my new school.来到新学校,我的心情格外激动。I have studied here in this school for twelve years.我已经在这所学校度过了12年的学习时光。In some ways, not much has changed.从某些方面来说,一切好像并没有什么变化。Here I am today and my parents are here again.今天,我依然站在这里,而我的父母也再次来到了这里。But indeed something has changed.而事实上改变已悄然发生。Twelve years ago, I was excited, but I had no idea what journey I was about to begin.十二年前,我激动万分,但我并不知道我将在此开始怎样的旅程。I had no idea that after first grade, there would be second grade and third grade and so on.我不知道过了一年级,还会有二年级、三年级,等等。I was just excited to be in the first grade.仅仅加入一年级就已经让我非常兴奋了。Today, I’m excited, too.今天,我依然激动万分。I know that I'm on the first day of my future life.我知道我的未来将在今天起航!I'm encouraged by the words of one of the greatest American scientists - Allen Kay.一位伟大的美国科学家爱伦·凯曾说过一句话,让我倍受鼓舞。He said, “The greatest way to predict the future is to invent it.”他说:“预测未来最好的方式就是去创造它。”Some of us here today are wondering what our lives are going to be like.今天,我们可能会猜想我们未来的生活将会如何。It's OK to wonder.猜想没问题。But I think our future is not just something that happens to us.但我认为我们的未来并不是偶然。It's up to us to create.未来要由我们自己创造。So my dear friends, take every chance that comes your way.所以我亲爱的朋友们,请珍惜你们遇到的每一次机会。Take what you have learned in the past twelve years and put it to good use.带上你们过去十二年里所学的知识,将其派上用场。Bring forward with you the lessons.与你们学到的经验教训同行。They will be the working parts of your greatest invention - your life.它们定会在你的伟大创造——你的生命——中发挥作用!Thank you!谢谢大家!