Many people think it’s quite difficult to improve their looks.很多人认为改善容貌很难。In fact, it may be easier than you think.事实上,改善容貌可能比你想的要简单。Here are five easier ways you can look better.这里有五个能让你更加好看的方法。Sit and stand up straight.坐立挺拔。You will look taller and thinner.你会看起来更高、更苗条。Smile.微笑。You will look nicer and friendlier, and people will want to be around you.你会看上去更友好、更和善,人们会想要亲近你。Cut your hair often.常理发。Your hairdresser can help you find a good style for the shape of your face.你的理发师会为你的脸型找到一个合适的发型。Drink water.喝水。Water keeps people healthy.水能让人保持健康。You will have nice-looking skin, and you will feel better, too.你将会拥有好看的皮肤,你也会拥感觉更加良好。Exercise often.经常锻炼。Sports make people energetic.运动使人精力充沛。You will feel good and keep fit.你会感觉良好,并保持健美。