2018年中考(海南卷)英语听力真题 短文
教程:历年中考英语听力  浏览:1208  
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    Sally is going to have a birthday party this Sunday.这个星期天萨莉要举行一个生日聚会。She will invite some of her friends to her party.她将邀请她的一些朋友参加聚会。Peter is in London now, but he can come back and he will give Sally a box of chocolate.彼得现在在伦敦,但他可以回来给莎莉一盒巧克力。Emily says she will prepare some beautiful flowers for the party.艾米丽说她会为聚会准备一些漂亮的花。Tina is good at drawing.缇娜擅长绘画。She decides to give Sally a painting.她决定送给萨利一幅画。It takes her three days to draw it.这花了她三天时间。Sally is busy getting everything ready before the party.萨莉正忙着在聚会前把一切都准备好。

      上一篇:2018年中考(广西北部湾卷)英语听力真题 长对话(3) 下一篇:2018年中考(海南卷)英语听力真题 长对话(1)

