2020年中考(广东卷)英语听力真题 句子
教程:历年中考英语听力  浏览:994  
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    1. Alice bought a handbag for her mother yesterday.

    1. 爱丽丝昨天给她妈妈买了一个手提包。

    2. Mary is going to live in the tall bulding in the big city.

    2. 玛丽打算住在大城市的高楼里。

    3. Ben went to visit his granparents by bike last Saturday.

    3. 上周六,本骑自行车去探望他的祖父母。

    4. A group of students are clearing up rubbish in the street.

    4. 一群学生正在街上清理垃圾。

    5. The highest temperature today is 20 degrees centigrade.

    5. 今天最高温度是20摄氏度。

      上一篇:2020年中考(广东卷)英语听力真题 对话 下一篇:2020年中考(海南卷)英语听力真题 句子(1)

