VANESSA: Blair, you got a minute?
B: Sixty seconds clock it.
What are you doing here with those?
Shouldn't you be at Whole Foods?
V: As much as I hate these words coming out of my mouth......I could really use your help with this.
B: Oh, saving a teardown.
Charity is for diseases and endangered species.
Real estate is not on the list, at least not in New York.
V: I can make you help me, you know.
B: Oh, makes jokes too.
V: Everyone knows that you and Marcus broke up, but no one knows why.
B: Even you wouldn't stoop that low.
V: Blackmail seems to work so well for you, so maybe I'm missing out.
Now that we've established that I own you, you have six hours......to get a thousand signatures,
and make sure they're legible. Have fun.