教程:美剧发音每日一练  浏览:261  
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    S:Mom, is Dan's dad the reason you haven't answered Bart's proposal? You can't. Please, mom, not this one.

    L:Look, I will not base my personal life on your preferences.

    S:Dan is my boyfriend. And I know we're too young to talk about forever, but right now that's what it feels like.

    L:I know it does, sweetie, but -- 

    S:But what? Tell me that Rufus is that important to you.Tell me that whatever the two of you have is the most important  thing in your life, because that's what Dan is to me, mom. The most important. I would rather be Chuck's stepsister than Dan's. Please don't do this to me.

    L:Dan means that much to you?

    S:Yeah, he does. In fact, I have to go. 

    L:Wait. where?

    S:School. There's something I have to do. And I hope there's something you have to do, too.

      上一篇:美剧发音每日一练:0335期 下一篇:美剧发音每日一练:0337期

