你或许在大众媒体的视频中看到过自己的家人和朋友将一桶冰冷的水倒在自己的头上。他们是在参加冰桶挑战,而且这一活动最近在Facebook, YouTube, Twitter等其他社交网站上疯狂传播。这一挑战包括在自己头部倾倒冰冷的水,或者向多家ALS 慈善机构捐款100美元。肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS),也称作运动神经元疾病(MND),这一疾病将会毁坏肌肉,致使病患难以讲话,吞咽困难,甚至无法呼吸。冰桶挑战的参与者会在线发布视频,并邀请朋友参加。自7月29日以来,美国多达110万的捐款人,已经捐献了5300万美元。
The viral campaign is giving ALS and MND charities valuable global exposure to raise awareness of the disease and raise funds. It exploits people's willingness and desire to post selfies or videos of themselves online, while feeling good about helping a charity. Communication and Media Studies professor Mark Glantz said: "You get the message directly from friends and acquaintances. It kind of appeals to the same side of people that wants to post a selfie." The challenge has even reached the President of the USA. Barack Obama decided against the dousing but said he would donate instead. Most people with ALS die from respiratory failure within three to five years from the onset of symptoms.