苹果公司终于发布了谈论已久的智能手表。苹果公司非常擅于在神秘产品发布之前,煽动追随者的情绪。令人最吃惊的首先是这款手表的名字。公司改变了以往的命名规则,删除了“i”的前缀。大多数人认为提姆.库克总裁会为我们展示iWatch,但是他竟然公布了Apple 这款手表有全新的界面,可以使用应用程序,而且可以作为健康追踪器使用。它还拥有电子支付系统,叫做Apple Pay,提姆.库克希望这一系统可以取代钱包。用户可体验11种不同的手表界面,对于时尚界来说,是一道亮丽的风景。
Reviews of the Apple Watch have been mixed. Tim Coulling, senior analyst at research firm Canalys, believes the watch could be the catalyst for people to start wearing technology. He said: "For many people, waiting to see what Apple did was a first step before going out to buy a wearable technology product." Many people could be put off by the price. At $349, it is considerably more expensive than its more established rivals. But then, millions of loyal customers have always paid the premium for an Apple product. Apple could trump its rivals on the grounds of its watch being a must-have fashion accessory. Apple hired fashion industry bigwigs, including the ex-SEO of Burberry, to work on the watch's design.
对于Apple Watch的看法,人们褒贬不一。提姆.柯灵,易观国际公司原来的分析师称,他相信这款手表将刺激人们穿戴高科技产品。他说,对于许多人来说,在付诸行动购买可穿戴的科技产品之前,第一步是等待苹果公司的做法。许多人都会因价格而望而却步。349美元的标价,要比业已存在的竞争产品的价格高很多。但是,成千上万的忠实客户通常会为苹果产品付保险费。如果这款手表能够成为必不可少的时尚配饰,苹果公司就可以打败其他竞争对手。苹果公司雇用了一些时尚界巨头,包括巴宝丽公司曾从事手表设计的前任SEO。