A new report says promising children money to pass exams does not help exam grades. The report says parents could be wasting their money by using cash to get their kids to study more. However, the promise of a trip somewhere nice could encourage students to try harder and do better at school. Researchers from the University of Bristol (in England) and the University of Chicago (in the USA) looked at how promises of cash and tickets to events affected students' studying and learning. Over 10,000 pupils took part in the research throughout the year 2012. There was an improvement in classwork and homework, but this did not result in better test scores.
一份新的报告说,承诺在孩子通过考试之后给孩子钱的行为,对孩子考试成绩的提高没有帮助。报告说,父母用钱让他们的孩子学得更多的行为,纯属浪费金钱。不过, 承诺带孩子去一个很好的地方旅行,可能会鼓励学生更加努力,在学校做得更好。英国布里斯托尔大学和美国芝加哥大学的研究人员,研究了承诺现金和门票对于孩子学习的影响。超过10000名小学生参加了2012年的这项研究。这对于改善功课和作业有帮助,但是对于提高考试成绩没有帮助。
Lead researcher Dr Simon Burgess suggested the research looked at the wrong areas. He said it had not looked at the things that really got students to increase their effort. He added that: "Clearly, some pupils have a lot of goals and believe that education is a way of getting what they want out of life, but there are kids who think that working hard doesn't make a difference." He said these children think exam success is "all in your genes" because of their family background. Education expert Dr Kevan Collins said good teachers were better than promises of rewards to get children to study, especially for children from low-income families. He wrote: "What really makes the difference is how students are taught."