American singer Jennifer Lopez was supposed to perform the official song at the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Brazil. However, her agent told FIFA (the organisers of the tournament) that she has pulled out. The agent said: "Regretfully, Jennifer Lopez will not be attending this year's World Cup opening ceremonies." Neither the star nor her agent gave a specific reason why, but said it was due to "production issues". Lopez was going to join the rapper Pitbull and Brazilian star Claudia Leitte onstage ahead of the opening game between hosts Brazil and Croatia. FIFA announced on its website that the song, "We Are One (Ole Ola)," would now be sung just by Pitbull and Ms Leitte.
美国歌手珍妮弗洛佩兹应该会在巴西世界杯开幕式上演唱官方歌曲。然而,她的经纪人告诉国际足联(比赛的组织者),她已经退出了。经纪人说,很遗憾,珍妮弗洛佩兹将不会参加今年的世界杯开幕式。无论是明星,还是她的经纪人都没给出一个具体原因,但表示这是由于“生产”的问题。洛佩兹将与说唱歌手斗牛犬以及巴西球星克劳迪娅Leitte,在东道主巴西和克罗地亚的比赛开场时,一起在舞台上表演。国际足联在其网站上宣布,这首歌“我们是一个(Ole Ola)”,现在会由斗牛犬和Leitte女士一起演唱。
The World Cup song has been a tradition since the 1966 World Cup in England. In recent World Cups, people have been unhappy that the song has not represented the country hosting the competition. At the South Africa World Cup in 2010, the Colombian singer Shakira sang the official song. In 1998, Puerto Rican star Ricky Martin sang the song for the France World Cup. Many Brazilians do not like the 2014 song. They say it has a weak Brazilian rhythm, is mainly performed by non-Brazilian musicians and is sung largely in Spanish and English, with a few seconds of Portuguese at the end. Brazilian composer and music critic Leonardo Martinelli said the song has been "stripped of local colour".