新奇事件簿 STA旅游公司取消参观动物的活动
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    One of the world's top travel companies is ending its tours to many of the planet's top animal attractions. STA Travel, which provides holidays, flights and accommodation for 2.5 million students a year, has decided it will no longer organize tours to places where animals are not free. This means it will not arrange elephant rides or trips to the Tiger Temple in Thailand, as well as tours to SeaWorld in Florida and California. The company said it would only go to places it knew were good to animals. Many STA customers complained about the tours to some places, so it started to review its animal tours. A company spokeswoman said: "We take this seriously and listen carefully to feedback from animal welfare experts."

    世界上最大的旅游公司之一取消了参观地球上最具吸引力的一些动物景点的活动。STA 旅游公司,平均每年为250万名学生提供假期,机票和住宿。已经决定将不再组织参观那些限制动物自由的地方。这意味着它不会安排骑乘大象或者去泰国的老虎庙,以及参观佛罗里达和加利福尼亚的海洋世界。该公司表示,它只会去那些对动物最有利的地方。许多STA客户抱怨有些地方的旅游,所以公司开始检讨动物之旅。公司一位发言人说,我们认真对待并仔细聆听来自动物福利专家的反馈。

    SeaWorld was disappointed with STA's decision. It wanted STA to see the high standards of animal care at both SeaWorlds. It also said activities by animal rights groups may have made STA make this decision. A SeaWorld spokesperson said: "There is no higher priority for SeaWorld than the safety of our employees and guests and the welfare of our animals." STA said it would look at more places that have animals. It said: "We are very much at the beginning of this journey. It is really important we do it over time, understand what the issues are and work with organisations that really understand those issues." The animal rights group PETA says animals such as dolphins all suffer at theme parks.


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