The Coca-Cola Company, the world's largest beverage maker, is amending the recipe of several of its drinks following an online petition. The drinks manufacturer will remove a substance called brominated vegetable oil (BVO) from drinks like Powerade and Fanta. BVO is a food additive that helps stop other ingredients from separating. It contains the chemical bromide, which is commonly used as a flame retardant. Coca-Cola spokesman Josh Gold advised consumers that: "All of our beverages, including those with BVO, are safe and always have been, and [they] comply with all regulations in the countries where they are sold. The safety and quality of our products is our highest priority."
可口可乐公司,是世界最大的饮料制造商,正在根据网上的请愿书调整几种饮料的配方。饮料的制造商将会把Powerade和芬达饮料配方中的一种叫做溴化植物油的物质(BVO)移除。BVO是一种食品添加剂,可以帮助阻止其他成分分离。它包含了溴化化学物质,这是一种常用的阻燃剂。可口可乐发言人Josh Gold建议消费者称,公司所有的饮料,包括那些BVO,是安全的,而且一直都很安全。他们遵守了所有销售国家的规定。我们产品的安全和质量是我们考虑的最重要的因素。
In 1970, the USA's Food and Drug Administration removed BVO from its "generally recognised as safe" list but did not ban its use. The substance was the subject of a social media campaign to get it removed from drinks. An American teenager, Sarah Kavanagh, started a petition on the site She questioned why the ingredient was being used in what are supposed to be health drinks. More than 200,000 people signed the petition. Ms Kavanagh said: "It's really good to know that companies, especially big companies, are listening to consumers." She added: "I'm glad to know the Powerade sold at my school and consumed by people around the world will be a little bit healthier without BVO."
在1970年,美国食品和药物管理局将BVO从其“一般认为是安全”的名单中清除,但没有禁止其使用。这种物质是在社交媒体的影响下,从饮料中移除的一种物质。美国青少年Sarah Kavanagh, 在网站Change.org上发动了一场请愿。她问质问为什么这种原料用于那些被认为是健康的饮料当中。200,000多人签署了请愿书。Kavanagh女士说,看到一些公司,尤其是一些大公司在倾听消费者的呼吁,是很好的一件事。她补充道,我很高兴知道在我的学校和世界各地销售的Powerade,在没有BVO添加剂的情况下会更加健康。