A group of business people has opened a kind of gym for robots. The group is headed by Elon Musk, who is the boss of the electric car company Tesla Motors and the space tourism company, SpaceX. Mr Musk also founded the online payments website PayPal. His latest project is called OpenAI Gym. It is a platform for researchers and code writers to test their latest work. It is an open platform, which means people are free to test their ideas for artificial intelligence (A.I.) on it. In particular, researchers can test and share their algorithms for A.I. Algorithms are special sets of rules in a computer program that can solve problems and quickly deal with large amounts of information.
商界人士为机器人开设“健身房”。发起人是埃隆·马斯克,埃隆是电动汽车特斯拉总裁,同时也是太空旅行SpaceX总裁。他还创立了网上支付PayPal。最新项目名叫“OpenAI Gym”。该平台可供研究人员和代码编写者测试新成果。平台向社会公开,民众可免费测试最新人工智能成果。特别要提到的是,研究人员可分享演算。演算法是计算机程序中独有的规则,它可以解决问题,迅速处理大规模信息。
Mr Musk wrote about the OpenAI Gym project and why his team decided to put it online for free. He said: "Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, without the need to generate financial return." The OpenAI Gym follows the idea of giving rewards for successful learning similar to giving a dog a treat when it learns something new. This is called reinforcement learning. If an algorithm does well in the gym, it gets a reward. If the algorithm fails, it gets no reward and it has to try something different. The aim of the gym is to develop an algorithm that can multi-task do many things at the same time rather than be good at doing just one thing.
马斯克对开设“OpenAI Gym”以及设立免费网络平台进行了描述。他称:“我们的目的就是要加快数字化智能发展,最大可能造福全人类。无需产生经济回报。”类似小狗习得新事物获得奖励,学习效果显著也会得到奖励。我们称之为增强学习算法。若演算法在“Gym”表现优异,它会获得奖励。若演算失败,不会获得奖励,但要尝试新算法。“Gym”目的旨在发展多任务演算法,可同时兼做许多事情,而不是只擅长某一领域。