新奇事件簿 热饮是造成儿童烫伤主要原因
教程:新奇事件簿  浏览:243  
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    Hot cups and mugs are the biggest causes of burns in children. This is according to research from Cardiff University in Wales, U.K. The lead researcher, Professor Alison Mary Kemp, said parents needed to be more aware of the dangers to children of everyday objects in the home. She said the most dangerous time for toddlers to burn themselves is from nine months of age. This is when babies begin crawling and walking. They start exploring the rooms around them. Of course, babies do not know what is dangerous and what is not, so they touch everything they can reach up to. Dr Kemp said: "Parents may underestimate the potential reach height of their toddler."

    滚烫的杯子是造成儿童烫伤的主要原因。这是英国威尔士卡迪夫大学的研究结果。首席研究员Alison Mary Kemp教授表示,家长需要更加警惕家中日常物品对儿童带来的危险。她表示,幼童容易烫伤最危险的时间是九个月以后。这时候婴儿开始爬行和走路。他们开始探索周围的房间。当然,婴儿不知道辨别危险,所以他们会触摸能够拿到的所有物品。Kemp博士表示:“家长或许会低估幼童能够触摸到的高度。”

    The researchers looked at data from three leading burns departments in U.K. hospitals, as well as five emergency departments. Almost 75 per cent of children treated for burns were under the age of five, with most burn injuries happening to one-year-olds. Most of the burns were because the child reached up and pulled a cup or mug containing a hot drink on top of themself. The researchers warned that any hot drink could burn a baby, even 15 minutes after it has been made. This is because a baby's skin is much thinner than an adult's skin, so it is easier to burn. The researchers advised parents to have a rethink about where they place hot objects and keep them out of reach of small children.


      上一篇:新奇事件簿 未来会出现绵羊大的老鼠 下一篇:新奇事件簿 7月成为历史上最热的一个月

