A study from the U.K. indicates that people who post too many "selfies" (photos of themselves) on Facebook and similar social networks risk damaging their real-life relationships. Wikipedia says a selfie is "a genre of self-portrait photograph…typically taken either with a camera held at arm's length or in a mirror." The report, from Birmingham University, analysed the impact of these photos on the relationships of 508 participants. The study found that excessive photo sharing and sharing certain types of photos makes almost everyone like you less. Head researcher Dr David Houghton said: "People, other than very close friends and relatives, don't seem to relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves."
来自英国一份研究表明,在脸书或类似的社交网站过多晒自拍照的人很有可能危害现实生活中的人际关系。维基百科解释说,自拍就是“自己拍摄的照片,尤其是用相机在一个手臂的距离处或者在镜子里拍摄的照片”。来自伯明翰大学的这份报告分析了自拍照对508名参加者人际关系的影响。研究发现,过多的分享照片,分享特定类型的照片会让所有人不再那么喜欢你。首席研究人员David Houghton表示:“除了非常亲密的朋友和亲人以外,其他人似乎都不喜欢那些经常分享自己照片的人。”
Wikipedia explains the rise in popularity of selfies. It says: "In December 2012, Time magazine noted that selfie was among its top 10 buzzwords of 2012." Celebrities such as singers Rihanna and Justin Bieber are famous for uploading hundreds of pics of themselves. Many people who post selfies will be surprised, perhaps shocked, by the Birmingham research. Wikipedia explains: "The appeal of selfies comes from…the control they give self-photographers over how they present themselves. Many selfies are intended to present a flattering image of the person, especially to friends whom the photographer expects to be supportive. The research may suggest the exact opposite is true.