新奇事件簿 有机食品营养价值没有优势
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    Scientists have revealed that organic and non-organic food contain pretty much the same amounts and kinds of vitamins and other nutrients. This might be surprising news for those of us who choose to buy organic believing it to be healthier. Researchers from America's Stanford University concluded that there might not be any extra health benefits to buying organic, thus people might be better off saving their money and buying non-organic produce. Lead researcher Dr Crystal Smith-Spangle said there was no difference in the vitamin content in fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products in organically- and conventionally-produced food. She said the only difference was slightly more phosphorus in the organic products.

    科学家表示,有机食品和非有机食品含有的维生素和其他营养物质的种类和数量几乎相同。对于选择购买有机食品,认为有机食品更加健康的人来说是一个出人意料的消息。来自美国斯坦福大学的研究人员得出结论,购买有机食品或许不会产生额外的健康功效,因此人们可以通过购买非有机农产品来省钱。首席研究人员Crystal Smith-Spangle博士表示,有机方法生产的水果,蔬菜,肉类和奶制品与传统方法生产的产品并没有不同。她表示,唯一的区别就是有机产品中的磷稍微多一点。

    Dr Smith-Spangle's review of over 200 different reports on organic food suggests people should perhaps revise their shopping choices, based on the levels of pesticides. Smith Spangler said both organic and conventional foods rarely exceeded the allowable limits for pesticides in the USA. She said the evidence wasn't too clear on whether the difference in pesticides would have an effect on health. She concluded by saying consumers should know there is overwhelming evidence that eating fruit and vegetables is good for your health, so people should eat more fresh produce, whether it is organic or conventional. Organic foods accounted for $31 billion in sales in the USA last year, up from $3.6 billion in 1997.

    Smith-Spangle博士对关于有机食品的200多份报告进行重审发现,人们应该根据杀虫剂残留水平调整购物选择。Smith Spangler表示,美国的有机食品和传统食品杀虫剂含量几乎都不会超标。她表示,关于杀虫剂含量的不同是否会对健康产生危害并没有非常明确的证据。她得出结论,消费者应该知道,大量证据表明多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康,因此人们应该吃更多新鲜的农产品,无论是有机方法还是传统方法生产的。去年有机食品在美国的销售额达到310亿美元,而1997年只有36亿美元。

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