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037 The Worthwhile Job
There were five brothers who wanted to do something important. They had their own certain jobs that they wanted to do. Each thought his job was the best. "I will be a great man. I want to make bricks."
The oldest brother wanted to be a brick burner and make bricks. But the second laughed at him. "Making bricks is a laborer's worthless job."
The second oldest brother wanted to be a bricklayer, and he thought the bricklayer was much more important than a brick burner. He wanted to have a much more valuable job than his older brother did. Then, the third brother laughed at his two brothers after he listened to their dream jobs. "Hum! They are all unimportant jobs. I will be a great architect and wear a rimless hat."
His dream was to be an architect and to leave his name in posterity. The third oldest brother said he would build great buildings. He wanted to leave great buildings for the next generation after he died. After listening to his brothers, the forth said that he wanted to design better buildings than his third brother. "I will design more advanced buildings than you will build."
He did not like normal materials. He wanted to have buildings made of rare materials so that he could have better buildings than his third brother did. "I will be a critic and will criticize my brothers' work. Isn't it the most valuable job?"
The last promised to himself that he would never follow his brothers' paths. He wanted to correct his brothers' mistakes. As time went by, the oldest brother became a brick burner. The second brother became a bricklayer. The third one became an architect, and the forth became an architectural designer. They all passed away after they did what they really wanted to do. "The only one left is me."
The last one lived longer than any of his brothers, and he became a critic. "I did the most important job."
The last still insisted that he had the most worthwhile job among his brothers. After he died, even though he could go to Heaven only with his brothers' help, he murmured to himself continuously in front of the Gate of Heaven. "I am the best." Whatever your job is, they are all of the same importance.