飞行员英语900句 第41期:其他情况通话术语(1)
教程:飞行员英语900句  浏览:628  
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    We have three serious and five minor injuries on board. Request ambulances on arrival.

    801. 我们机上有三人重伤,五人轻伤。请求救护车到场。

    One passenger is having difficulty breathing. Request descent to a lower level to reduce cabin altitude.

    802. 一名旅客呼吸困难。请求立即下降到较低高度以减小客舱高度。

    A passenger activated the overhead emergency oxygen generator. Request airport security on arrival to detain this individual.

    803. 一名旅客触发了顶部紧急氧气发生器。申请机场保安到场拘留他。

    A stressed passenger attempted to open an emergency exit. Request airport security on arrival.

    804. 一名闹情绪的旅客试图打开应急出口。申请机场保安到场。

    We have a hostage situation. Request stair vehicles on standby to disembark the passengers.

    805. 我有一名人质。申请客梯车待命以便让旅客们下飞机。

    We have a passenger with severe hyperventilation. He has received first aid but his condition is not improving. Request ambulance on arrival.

    806. 我们有一名旅客有严重的过度换气症。他得到了急救但情况没有好转。申请救护车到场。

    We have a passenger with a suspected heart attack. Request diversion to a suitable airport.

    807. 我们有名旅客疑似有心脏病。申请备降到合适机场。

    A pregnant passenger is in severe pain. Request priority landing and ambulance on arrival.

    808. 一名孕妇承受剧痛。申请优先着陆和救护车到场。

    There was a fight onboard among a few passengers. One of them is now bleeding seriously. Request police and ambulances on arrival.

    809. 几名旅客在机上打斗。其中一人现在流血严重。请求警察和救护车到场。

    The purser told me the injured passenger has blood type O. Maybe this information is useful to the paramedics.

    810. 乘务长告知我受伤旅客血型是O型。或许该信息对急救医务人员有用。

    We have an 8-month old infant with head injuries. Request ambulance on arrival.

    811. 我们有个8个月大的婴儿头部受伤。申请救护车到场。

    A passenger is unconscious after suffering from seizure. The cabin crew is giving her first aid. We will advise if we require a diversion.

    812. 一名旅客癫痫发作后失去知觉。客舱机组正提供急救。如需备降我们将告知你们。

    Many passengers and crew were injured due severe turbulence. We will advise the number and severity of injuries when able.

    813. 由于严重颠簸,多名旅客和机组都受伤了。如能够,我们将告知受伤人数和严重性。

    An elderly passenger has passed away. We will continue to our destination. Request ambulance on arrival.

    814. 一位年长的旅客去世了。我们将继续到目的地。请求救护车到场。

    We found a passenger unconscious from a drug overdose in the lavatory. Request police and ambulance on arrival.

    815. 我们发现一名旅客在洗手间服药(或毒品) 过量失去意识了。请求警察和救护车到场。

    The sick passenger’s condition has improved. We no longer require the diversion. Request to continue to our destination.

    816. 生病旅客的情况已经好转了。我们不再要求备降。请求继续飞往我们的目的地。

    We received an emergency call from the cabin, but now nobody is responding. We can hear shouting and disturbance. Our cabin crew might be under duress.

    817. 我们收到客舱的急救呼叫,但现在没人回应。我们能听见喊叫声和斗殴声。我们的客舱机组可能受到了胁迫。

    We have a hijack situation on board. Can our destination airport provide armed intervention?

    818. 我们被劫机了。我们的目的地机场能提供武装干涉吗?

    We can see two masked men with sharp weapons on our cockpit door surveillance camera. They are kicking the cockpit door.

    819. 我们通过驾驶舱监控摄机看见两个头戴面具手拿利器的人。他们正在踢驾驶舱门。

    I can see the area outside of the cockpit. There are two hijack suspects standing in the aisle.

    820. 我能看见驾驶舱外面区域。有两名劫机者正站在过道。

      上一篇:飞行员英语900句 第40期:气象及其他机场信息通话术语(5) 下一篇:飞行员英语900句 第42期:其他情况通话术语(2)


