英语儿歌是幼儿接触英语最受欢迎的一种手段,其中迪斯尼英语儿歌以其经典的旋律广受好评。以下是小编整理的关于迪斯尼英语儿歌MP3 On top of old smoky的资料,希望你会喜欢!
On top of Old smoky
On top of Old smoky, all covered with snow.
I lost my true lover, for courin’ too show.
For courtin’s a pleasure, and parting is grief.
And a false-hearted lover is worse than a thief.
For a thief will just rob you and take all you pay.
But a false-hearted lover will lead you astray.
On top of Old smoky all covered with snow.
I lost my true lover for courtin’ to slow.