英语儿歌是幼儿接触英语最受欢迎的一种手段,其中迪斯尼英语儿歌以其经典的旋律广受好评。以下是小编整理的关于迪斯尼英语儿歌MP3 The mail must go throug的资料,希望你会喜欢!
The mail must go through.
When you mail a letter, you can send it anywhere.
On foot, by truck, by airplane. The postman gets it there.
So write a letter to a friend, Maybe she’ll write you.
No matter what, you always know.
The mail must go through.
The mail must go through. The mail must go through.
No matter if it rains or snows.
The mail must go through. The mail must go through.
The mail must go through. No matter it rains or snows
The mail must go through.
Some folks live in a city, some live in a little town.
Even if you live out on a farm. There’s a post man making his rounds.
So mail someone a letter, even just a card will do.
You know it’s nice when the postman, has a letter in his sack for you.