We sat in silence for some minutes, Holmes more depressed and shaken than I had ever seen him.
"That hurts my pride, Watson," he said at last.
"It is a petty feeling, no doubt, but it hurts my pride.
It becomes a personal matter with me now, and, if God sends me health, I shall set my hand upon this gang.
That he should come to me for help, and that I should send him away to his death...!"
He sprang from his chair and paced about the room in uncontrollable agitation,
with a flush upon his sallow cheeks and a nervous clasping and unclasping of his long thin hands.
"They must be cunning devils," he exclaimed at last.
"How could they have decoyed him down there? The Embankment is not on the direct line to the station.
The bridge, no doubt, was too crowded, even on such a night, for their purpose.
Well, Watson, we shall see who will win in the long run. I am going out now!" "To the police?"
"No; I shall be my own police. When I have spun the web they may take the flies, but not before."