Language Points
Big Hero 6 《超能陆战队》
I really liked the movie,but I was confused. Where were the first five? That was like wathching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince without any back story.
Whoever wrote that movie has no idea or clue of farming.
Ex Machina《机械姬》
I hate naked woman.
The Wolf of Wall Street 《华尔街之狼》
There were no wolves in the movie.
In all fairness I only saw the trailer. However the sound track seems to consist of rap, which I absolutely hate. So I will not be watching this movie.
Fifty Shades of Grey《五十度灰》
So about two minutes in, the female lead goes to interview the male lead at this office building.A fourty-story steel and glass building called Grey's House in downtown Seatle. Not only does she not have to search for a parking spot, she immediately pulls into a open spot.Actually one of several open spots is immediately next to the front door.
IP MAN《叶问》
Totally not about computers or networking. Very disappointed. Just some Chinese guy hitting people.