This extraordinary quiet and solemnity of demeanour may arise partly, also, from a sense of danger. Every man has arms, and has the right both of wearing and of using them: and no man makes a journey, be it only to a neighbouring village, without sword and pistols. Now this tends to quiet, earnest, solemn manners. If a scuffle takes place, it is not a black eye or a bloody face that is the result, but the certain death of some of the parties; and hence they are taught the principle of self-restraint and moral control……
3. The Arabs, and Orientals in general, sit much more than we do. The tradesmen all sit at their work: the smith, the carpenter, and the merchant, the butcher, the joiner, and the spice-monger, sit quietly and transact their business. They sit as tailors do, cross-legged, but with their feet doubled in beneath them. They sit on their feet, and maintain that such is the most natural and easy position! They seem to have no pleasure in motion: no man goes out to take a walk; no man moves for the sake of exercise. They go out, as they say, to smell the air, by some spreading tree or fountain of water. And yet they are capable of enduring great and long-continued labour. Abu Mausur travelled with us nearly forty days, during which we rode at the rate of from six to eighteen hours a day; and yet, though never upon a horse, he was always with us at the requisite time and place. He performed the journey on foot, and was rarely far behind.
3. 阿拉伯人和东方人坐着的时间一般比我们要久,因为所有的手艺人都是坐着工作:铁匠、木匠、商人、屠夫、工匠和香料贩子都是安静地坐着经营生意。他们像裁缝那样盘腿而坐,只不过他们双脚都被压在腿下面。他们就那样坐在自己的脚上而且一直保持那个姿势,就好像这个姿势是最自然、最舒服的姿势!他们似乎领悟不到运动的乐趣所在:没有人出去散步;没有人会为了锻炼身体而运动,他们出门只是为了到茂盛的大树或者泉水旁呼吸一下新鲜空气。并且他们能忍受去干费时的、冗杂的活儿,阿卜·摩苏尔和我们一起旅行了将近40天的样子,在此期间,我们每天都要骑马骑6至18个小时;他尽管没有骑过马,但他总会在必要的时间里、在必要的地点陪着我们,他一路都是步行,而且从来没有落在我们后面过。
Take, then, these things together, and you will easily perceive that in the city of Damascus everything is still and calm as the unclouded sky and the balmy air. The hoof of the camel falls noiselessly on the unpaved street; the sheep-skin foot-gloves of the Damascenes make no sound; and all the movements, both of men and of animals, are slow and solemn.