随后,吉米掏出手机,发了一条推特并@特朗普:“嘿@realDonaldTrump 醒着吗?”
截屏来自Jimmy kimmel 推特
特朗普曾公开表示,梅丽尔(Meryl Streep)“梅姨”,是他最喜爱的演员。可之后的金球奖上,梅丽尔在获终身成就奖感言中,又暗讽特朗普的移民政策,批评他羞辱残疾记者。
特朗普具有得天独厚的招黑体质:表情包“数据库” ,用犀利的推特打入群众,政策富有想象力——美国总统一直对其经济政策引以为傲,他能否改变美国经济尚不得知,但现任总统确实为美国服务业出了一把力——成为美国脱口秀界灵感和素材的源泉。
Donald Trump is turning out to be a gold mine for his comic foes on late-night television, lifting ratings and advertising revenues for shows that deliver the sharpest criticism of the new US president.
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)看起来对深夜电视节目的喜剧演员简直是一座金矿,那些最猛烈抨击美国新总统的节目的收视率和广告收入上升。
On CBS's Late Show, Stephen Colbert has homed in on politics, helping him unseat NBC's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon as the most-watched nightly chat show for three straight weeks.
在美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的《深夜秀》(Late Show)节目中,斯蒂芬·科尔伯特(Stephen Colbert)近来专注于政治议题,这帮助他连续3周超过美国国家广播公司(NBC)由吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)主持的《今夜秀》(Tonight Show),成为观众人数最多的深夜脱口秀节目。
Late-night television is an important source of profit and cultural cachet for US broadcasters.NBC has long dominated the networks' rivalry, but Mr Colbert has widened his lead to nearly 300,000 viewers in the week ending February 17, the most since he debuted on CBS in 2015.
《深夜秀》主持人Stephen Colbert
Across the TV dial, audiences are flocking to a brand of biting political satire that largely originated with Jon Stewart at Comedy Central's The Daily Show, but which has now spread to the television mainstream.Daily Show alumni include Mr Colbert on CBS, John Oliver on HBO and Samantha Bee on TBS.
纵观各个电视频道,观众纷纷转向犀利的政治讽刺节目,这种节目在很大程度上源于由喜剧中心频道(Comedy Central)的约翰·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)主持的《每日秀》(The Daily Show),但现在已是主流电视节目的一部分。曾主持过《每日秀》的演员包括CBS的科尔伯特、HBO的约翰·奥利弗(John Oliver)以及TBS的萨曼莎·比(Samantha Bee)。
Mr Colbert had suffered declining ratings at CBS since he succeeded David Letterman at the Late Show desk.He struggled to win over viewers after dropping the blustery rightwing pundit character that made him a star on Comedy Central.In August 2016, his audience dipped below 2m for the first time.
自担任《深夜秀》主持人、接替大卫·莱特曼(David Letterman)以来,科尔伯特的收视率一度连连下降。在放弃狂轰滥炸的右翼评论员角色——该角色曾让他成为喜剧中心频道的明星——之后,他似乎很难赢得观众。2016年8月,他的观众人数首次降至200万以下。
But Mr Trump's ascendancy appears to have sharpened the focus of Mr Colbert and his writers on the frenetic Washington news cycle, and the ratings trend is now in reverse.Viewership grew 3 per cent in January from a year ago, and has now reached 3m, 30 per cent above last summer's lows, according to Nielsen figures.
On CBS's earnings call last week, Les Moonves, chief executive, talked up Mr Colbert's contribution to the network's “great story in late night”.CBS said advertising revenue for the network's nightly line-up, which also includes Britain's James Corden, increased 10 per cent in 2016 and was on pace to grow again this year.
在CBS上周的电话财报会议上,首席执行官莱斯·穆弗斯(Les Moonves)夸赞了科尔伯特对该公司“深夜伟大故事”的贡献。CBS表示,该网络的深夜节目——还包括英国的詹姆斯·科登(James Corden)主持的节目——实现的广告收入在2016年增长了10%,而且今年有望进一步增长。
CBS首席执行官Les Moonves(图右)
“Colbert's show has become more aggressively political.That's probably responsible for his numbers going up.He's found a comedic strategy similar to that which made him popular before,” said Robert Thompson, director of Syracuse University's Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture.
美国雪城大学(Syracuse University)的布莱尔电视和流行文化中心(Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture)主任罗伯特·汤姆森(Robert Thomson)表示:“科尔伯特的节目变得在政治上更加咄咄逼人。他的观众人数很可能因此增长。他找到了一个与之前蹿红类似的喜剧策略。”
In contrast, The Tonight Show's ratings have slipped 14 per cent since January 2016, as Mr Fallon has taken a softer approach to political subjects.He drew criticism for a September interview with Mr Trump in which he mussed the then-Republican nominee's hair and asked a series of unchallenging questions.
Mr Fallon still leads in the 18- to 49-year-old age group most desired by advertisers, but Mr Colbert is closing in.
《今夜秀》主持人Jimmy Fallon
Other shows are already reaping financial rewards from presidential parody.
NBC's Saturday Night Live is drawing its biggest average audiences in 24 years, with total viewership up 26 per cent this season from a year ago, according to Nielsen figures cited by the network.
NBC援引尼尔森的数据表示,该广播公司《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)吸引的平均观众人数创出24年来的最高水平,本季总的收视率同比增长26%。
The variety show's February 11 edition was the most-watched episode in eight years as viewers tuned in to watch Alec Baldwin reprise the role of the president, Melissa McCarthy skewer Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, and Kate McKinnon lampoon both Jeff Sessions, the attorney-general, and Kellyanne Conway, Trump's adviser.
2月11日播出的这档综艺节目是8年来观众人数最多的一期,观众们踊跃收看亚历克·鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)再度模仿特朗普总统,梅利莎·麦卡锡(Melissa McCarthy)模仿白宫新闻发言人肖恩·斯派塞(Sean Spicer),以及凯特·麦金农(Kate McKinnon)模仿两人:司法部长杰夫·赛辛斯(Jeff Sessions)和特朗普顾问凯莉安妮·康韦(Kellyanne Conway)。
特朗普与其模仿者Alec Baldwin
The ratings bump has allowed NBC, owned by Comcast, to charge advertisers more money.The average cost of a half-minute spot on SNL increased 86 per cent in January from a year ago, according to Standard Media Index, which tracks ad agency spending.
收视率飙升让康卡斯特(Comcast)旗下的NBC可以向广告客户收取更多费用。追踪广告公司支出的标准媒体指数(Standard Media Index)的数据显示,《周六夜现场》半分钟广告平均成本在1月份同比上涨86%。
The trade magazine Adweek estimated that SNL's ad revenue rose 34 per cent to $2.1m for its January 14 episode and 22 per cent to $2m for January 21.Overall, NBC saw a 9.8 per cent gain in ad spending for the month.
“The attention on SNL since the Trump administration took office is paying off well for NBC,” SMI said.
Donald Trump is turning out to be a gold mine for his comic foes on late-night television, lifting ratings and advertising revenues for shows that deliver the sharpest criticism of the new US president.
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)看起来对深夜电视节目的喜剧演员简直是一座金矿,那些最猛烈抨击美国新总统的节目的收视率和广告收入上升。
Late-night television is an important source of profit and cultural cachet for US broadcasters.
flock to 成群地走向
Across the TV dial, audiences are flocking to a brand of biting political satire that largely originated with Jon Stewart at Comedy Central's The Daily Show.
纵观各个电视频道,观众纷纷转向犀利的政治讽刺节目,这种节目在很大程度上源于由喜剧中心频道(Comedy Central)的约翰·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)主持的《每日秀》(The Daily Show)。
Mr Trump's ascendancy appears to have sharpened the focus of Mr Colbert and his writers on the frenetic Washington news cycle.