Some years ago, JK Rowling set up a charity, Lumos, to fight for the millions of children across the world living in orphanages.And while you might have thought she would be campaigning for funds for these institutions, that is not the case.Instead, Rowling believes that something has gone badly wrong with the way that well-meaning westerners do “charity”—and, in particular, give money to orphanages.
In recent years, aid money has flooded from the US and Europe into orphanages in places such as India, Brazil, Romania and Haiti, often following tragic events highlighted in the media.Rowling estimates, for example, that Americans have given $100m to Haitian orphanages alone since the country was hit by a series of natural disasters.This sounds worthy, and, of course, donations are made with the best of intentions but Rowling insists that they are doing more harm than good.
Orphanages, she argues, are rarely “good” for children:at best, they leave them bereft of family ties; at worst, they promote abuse, neglect and trafficking.Precisely because orphanages have such a mixed track record, governments in the US and Europe have been shutting them down since the 1950s—preferring to place orphans with foster families instead.
But the bitter irony of the aid game today is that even as western governments have been closing orphanages at home, their aid programmes have been encouraging them to flourish in developing countries.Indeed, the more aid that flows into “poor” orphanages, the bigger they become—partly because an entire ecosystem is now directing vulnerable children there.In Cambodia, for example, the population of orphanages jumped 75 per cent between 2005 and 2011 as donor money poured in, according to a UN report.In Haiti, the increase has been even more dramatic, with numbers living in orphanages rising sevenfold, to 32,000.
And the really cruel rub is that many of the eight million children currently living in orphanages are not true orphans at all:studies by Save the Children suggest that about 80 per cent have a living parent.Instead, they are being pushed into institutions because their families are desperately poor—and because the explosion of the aid “business” has created a momentum (and false incentives) all of its own.
真正残酷的是,在如今生活在孤儿院里的800万名儿童中,有很多根本不是真正的孤儿。拯救儿童组织(Save the Children)的研究显示,约80%是至少有一方父母在世的。他们被塞进孤儿院的一部分原因是他们的家庭非常贫困,同时援助“事业”的爆炸性发展也起到了推动作用(提供了错误的激励)。
此结论是经过Lumos多年调研得出,英国独立报(The Independent)也支持这个结论。
According to the data, 90 per cent of the eight million children in institutions worldwide are not orphans and have families at home which want to care for them but cannot because they are pushed into institutions because of poverty and discrimination on the basis of disability or ethnicity.
“Americans are amazingly generous,” Rowling told a crowd of wealthy New Yorkers, at the premiere of her film at Carnegie Hall.“But please don't give money to orphanages …and don't go and volunteer to work at one.” Instead, she wants donations to “community-based” initiatives that help poor families to keep their children or find foster families.
罗琳在她的电影在卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hall)的首映式上告诉在场的纽约富人们:“美国人非常慷慨。但请不要捐钱给孤儿院了……不要去孤儿院做志愿工作了。”她希望人们捐款给一些“以社区为基础”(community-based)的公益计划,这些计划帮助贫困家庭养育自己的孩子或找到收养家庭。
Can this work? Not easily—or rapidly, alas.One reason why western aid has flooded into orphanages in recent years is that these institutions can be monitored.Giving to a “community” is more opaque and diffuse.And the sad reality is that even if all orphanages were closed tomorrow, life would still be grim for many poor children; street life is hellish in places such as India or Brazil.
But Lumos is making some progress:it estimates that $500m of donor funds has already been redirected away from orphanages.And, if nothing else, Rowling deserves credit for using her pulpit—and Potter fame—to change attitudes.
△以上图片来自J.K.Rowling Twitter截图
Indeed, I would argue the lesson needs to be broadened.These days, most Americans take it for granted that philanthropy is a good thing, since giving is baked into popular American culture (and encouraged with tax breaks).But, as with the orphanage issue, there are a host of studies emerging that show how aid can distort economies or concentrate power in the hands of an elite.
Don't get me wrong:I am not trying to stop generosity or philanthropy.But what is needed is a clear evaluation—and debate—about the cost and benefits of the aid business and its current structure.That is hard to do since the topic tends to be so emotive and guilt-laden.But if anyone can succeed, it is Rowling—the woman who taught the world to become passionate about a wizarding orphan but who is now trying to consign orphanages to fairy tales.
In recent years, aid money has flooded from the US and Europe into orphanages in places such as India, Brazil, Romania and Haiti, often following tragic events highlighted in the media.
According to the data, 90 per cent of the eight million children in institutions worldwide are not orphans and have families at home which want to care for them but cannot because they are pushed into institutions because of poverty and discrimination on the basis of disability or ethnicity.
And the sad reality is that even if all orphanages were closed tomorrow, life would still be grim for many poor children; street life is hellish in places such as India or Brazil.