Kim Jong Nam arrived early.With two hours until his flight home to Macau, the one-time heir to North Korea's ruling Kim dynasty ambled unaccompanied through the spacious budget terminal of Kuala Lumpur international airport.
金正男(Kim Jong Nam)到早了,他要乘坐的飞往澳门的航班还要两个小时才起飞。这位朝鲜统治政权金家王朝曾经的继承人,孤身一人缓步行走在吉隆坡国际机场宽敞的廉价航班候机楼里。
A portly, unkempt figure, few would have guessed his almost royal lineage.But he was being watched, and his imminent assassination would send shockwaves around the world.
Two young women, one wearing a T-shirt bearing the initials LOL, stalked him through the terminal.A group of four male conspirators monitored events from a distance.
When the 46-year-old Kim—a half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un—stopped at a self check-in kiosk, the women struck.
当46岁的金正男——朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)同父异母的长兄——止步在一台自助值机机器时,两名女子发动了袭击。
Approaching from behind, one jerked back his head and, according to police accounts, sprayed liquid in his face.The other simultaneously pounced, pressing a rag over his eyes, nose and mouth for about 10 seconds.
Dizzy and disoriented, Kim stumbled through the airport looking for assistance, only to succumb to the apparent poisoning minutes later as he was rushed to hospital.
The death of the would-be leader, widely believed to be at the hands of North Korean agents, was kept under wraps for almost two days before exploding across global media on Tuesday.When it did, the message was unmistakable:North Korea will brook no challenge, real or imagined, to its existence.No boundary, whether familial or geographic, was sacred.
At a time when nations are again attempting to address the dangers posed by Pyongyang, the incident serves as a salutary lesson on the nature of the regime and its most deeply held intentions.
It is a warning that efforts to tackle the nuclear and ballistic weapons programmes of North Korea—once described by a US official as the “land of lousy options”—hinge on a key factor:the survival instinct of the 33-year-old marshal Kim Jong Un.
Before departing the Oval Office, US President Barack Obama informed incoming leader Donald Trump that North Korea would represent his most pressing foreign policy challenge.
在离开椭圆形办公室之前,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)对即将上任的唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,朝鲜将成为他最紧迫的外交政策挑战。
The country had stormed back up the list of potential geopolitical flashpoints in 2016 after testing two nuclear devices and more than 20 sophisticated short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.After Mr Obama brokered agreements with Cuba and Iran, North Korea stood apart as a glaring example of a rogue nation refusing to come to heel.And it moved quickly to grab Mr Trump's attention.
In a New Year's address, Mr Kim announced his regime had long-range missiles capable of hitting the US whenever it chooses.The country had never demonstrated such capabilities, but the rhetoric was enough to elicit a quick-fire tweet from the new US president, who vowed it “won't happen”.
Mr Trump was tested again last Sunday, this time in a more explosive manner, when Pyongyang launched an advanced mid-range rocket into the Sea of Japan.
“This was a carefully layered message” to gauge Trump, says Bong Youngshik, a North Korea expert at Yonsei University in Seoul.
首尔延世大学(Yonsei University)朝鲜专家奉英植(Bong Young-shik)表示,“这是一条精心策划的、多层次的信息”,为的是试探特朗普。
Mr Kim wanted to learn how Mr Trump would react, without completely shutting the door on negotiations by launching a long-range missile, according to Mr Bong.
The initial public response of Mr Trump, who at the time of the launch was hosting Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe at his Florida beach estate, was restrained.In a joint statement with Mr Abe, he vowed to support his “great ally” Japan.
特朗普的首次公开回应有所克制,导弹发射时特朗普正在他的佛罗里达州海滩庄园招待日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)。在与安倍的联合声明中,特朗普发誓支持他的“伟大盟友”日本。
Survival instinct
The focus has now shifted to how Mr Trump will respond to North Korea more broadly and how he will engage China, widely viewed as the crucial powerbroker.There is a growing consensus that the longstanding approach to North Korea—economic and diplomatic isolation enforced by rigid sanctions—is not working.
“If the US really hopes to achieve peace on the Korean peninsula, it should stop looking for ways to stifle North Korea's economy and undermine Kim Jong Un's regime and start finding ways to make Pyongyang feel more secure,” wrote John Delury, a professor at Yonsei University, in a recent Foreign Affairs article.
延世大学教授鲁乐汉(John Delury)近期在《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)上发文表示:“如果美国真正希望在朝鲜半岛实现和平,就应停止想方设法地扼杀朝鲜经济,破坏金正恩政权,而要开始想办法增加平壤方面的安全感。”
“This might sound counterintuitive.But consider this:North Korea will start focusing on its prosperity instead of its self-preservation only once it no longer has to worry about its own destruction.”
For many, the sanctions, combined with the regular US-South Korea armed drills on the peninsula and the planned deployment of a missile shield that has angered Beijing, only strengthen Mr Kim's survival instinct and pushes him further down the path towards nuclear armament.
According to policymakers and experts in Seoul, the prospect of de-nuclearisation in North Korea is already a lost cause—a notion echoed by James Clapper, the former US director of national intelligence, in a speech late last year.The weapons, much like the murder of Kim Jong Nam, act as a guarantee of the North Korean leader's safety, liberty and authority.
首尔的政策制定者和专家表示,朝鲜无核化的前景已经失败——美国前国家情报总监(DNI)詹姆斯·克拉珀(James Clapper)在去年底的一次演讲中呼应了这个观点。这些武器,就像金正男被谋杀一样,是这位朝鲜领导人的安全、自由和权威的保证。
A more viable option is a moratorium on their development, says Kim Jaechun, a professor of political science at Sogang University and adviser to the Seoul government.“De-nuclearisation is not possible.However, as long as the US doesn't try to dismantle its nuclear weapons, it is quite possible for North Korea to declare a moratorium on its nuclear programme.Proactive diplomacy is needed.”
一个更可行的选择是延缓其核武器开发,西江大学(Sogang University)政治学教授、韩国政府顾问金宰春(Kim Jae-chun)说。“无核化是不可能的。然而,只要美国不试图拆除其核武器,朝鲜就很有可能宣布暂停其核计划。需要采取积极的外交行动。”
Prof Kim, like most strategists, is quick to dismiss the idea of a preventive military strike on Pyongyang's nuclear facilities.Such an attack would inevitably fail, he says, because most facilities are hidden underground.It would also result in catastrophic retaliatory strikes on Seoul, just 60km from the border.In the 1990s, US President Bill Clinton considered the option, only to be dissuaded by estimates of 1m South Korean casualties from such an attack.
像大多数战略家一样,金宰春教授毫不犹豫地否定了对朝鲜核设施发起预防性军事打击的想法。这种打击必然会失败,他说,因为大多数设施都隐藏在地下。这也将导致距离边界仅60公里的首尔遭到灾难性的报复攻击。在1990年代,美国总统比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)曾考虑过这个选项,但报复攻击会给韩国带来约100万伤亡,让他放弃了这一想法。
However, engagement with Pyongyang is not favoured by all and is bitterly opposed by conservative South Korean groups.For them, de-nuclearisation is the crucial first step.
“Lower tensions while North Korea is still moving towards nukes is a deception …It is just borrowing tomorrow's peace.It makes tomorrow more dangerous,” says Chun Yung-woo, a former leading South Korean negotiator with Pyongyang.
“当朝鲜仍然朝着核武器迈进时,缓和紧张是一句假话……这只是透支明天的和平。这使明天变得更危险,”韩国前对朝主要谈判代表千英宇(Chun Yung-woo)说。
He says the international community must ratchet up sanctions to the point where the Kim regime faces no alternative but to make a deal.His proposal has some support in the US.On Thursday, a group of Republicans, including the Texas senator Ted Cruz, urged the Treasury to ramp up financial pressure on North Korea.
他表示,国际社会必须加强制裁,让金正恩政权别无选择,只能达成协议。他的提议在美国获得一定的支持。最近,包括得克萨斯州参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)在内的一群共和党人,敦促财政部加大对朝鲜的财政压力。
Kim Jong Nam arrived early.With two hours until his flight home to Macau, the one-time heir to North Korea's ruling Kim dynasty ambled unaccompanied through the spacious budget terminal of Kuala Lumpur international airport.
金正男(Kim Jong Nam)到早了,他要乘坐的飞往澳门的航班还要两个小时才起飞。这位朝鲜统治政权金家王朝曾经的继承人,孤身一人缓步行走在吉隆坡国际机场宽敞的廉价航班候机楼里。
A portly, unkempt figure, few would have guessed his almost royal lineage.
Two young women, one wearing a T-shirt bearing the initials LOL, stalked him through the terminal.A group of four male conspirators monitored events from a distance.
Dizzy and disoriented, Kim stumbled through the airport looking for assistance, only to succumb to the apparent poisoning minutes later as he was rushed to hospital.