LESSON 19 Letters and Sound —— y, Y
Letters and Sound —— y, Y
Letters:—— y, Y.
Look and say:——
Sound and say:——
Pam has a doll in a pram.
Pam went with the pram and Scot to the sand.
A crab was on the sand.
Scot ran to grab the crab. Bad Scot!
Yap, yap! he went. "Yap, Yap!"
Scot ran to grab the crab.
Oh, bad Scot!
But oh! Sad Scot! He did not grab the crab. The crab got a grip of him.
Yap, yap! he went. "Yap, yap!"
The crab got a grip of him. Oh, sad Scot!
Jack ran to them.
See him with the crab in his hand!
He will drop it in the tin.