Look-and-Say words
Sound-and-Say words
1. "Oh," said Frank. "Look at the tree, as the wind blows it about!
2. This is just the kind of day to fly a kite. Dad, will you help me to make one, please?"
3. "Yes," said Dad. "Ask Mother for paper, string and paste. I shall get two sticks."
4. Dad made the kite, Frank painted a face on it, while Mother made a tail with bits of paper.
5. Out into the open, went Dad and Frank to fly the kite.
6. Up, up, up, went the kite into the sky.
7. "How gay it looks with the smile on its face!" said Frank.
8. When the wind died away, the kite came down and Frank took it home.
9. He had a smile on his face as he said, "Oh, Mother, I am glad I have a kite to fly. I like to see it go up into the sky."