1. When Jesus lived on earth. He went about doing good.
2. He was good to every-one.
3. He helped those who were sick, those who were lame, those who could not see, those who could not speak, those who could not hear, even those who were well and strong.
4. Every-one was happy to be near Him and they crowded close to Him.
5. One day, when He was with the crowds, some mothers came with their children.
6. They wished that their children might see His kind face and be blessed by Him.
7. Some of the friends of Jesus said, "Take the children away. Do not bother the Master. He has no time for them now."
8. But Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not."
9. He took them up in His arms and blessed them.
10. What a happy day it was for the mothers and the children!