de-spise grate-ful hum-blest
la-bour lib-er-ty plead-ed
roared strug-gled weak-est
1. One day, as a lion was lying asleep in a forest, some mice began to amuse themselves by running over him. At last they awoke him; and, starting up, he laid his paw upon one little mouse that could not get away with the rest.
2. The lion was just going to kill the little thing, when it began to plead for its life. It pleaded so hard, that at last the lion let it go.
3. The grateful mouse said, "Noble lion! I trust I may one day be able to repay your kindness to me."
4. The lion smiled at the thought of such a little animal ever being of use to him; and the mouse ran off to its hole.
5. Some time after this, the lion was caught in a strong net made of ropes, that had been spread for him in the forest by some hunters. He struggled in vain to get free, and roared with pain and terror.
6. The little mouse heard him, and ran to his help. It set to work with its sharp teeth; and at last, after a great deal of labour, it gnawed through the rope, and set the lion at liberty!
7. This shows that we should not despise
The humblest thing that lives;—
The strongest at some time may need
The help the weakest gives.