some-thing cer-tain ex-ci-ting
strayed fam-i-ly our-selves
yapped trip-ping wag-ging
1. "Well, something must be done," said Fido, for the tenth time that day. "If we sit here much longer we shall get cramp 〔1〕 or take fits—that's certain. We have had nothing to eat since ever such a long time ago."
2. "Not since a long time before that," said Fido's brother, Toby.
It was exciting 〔2〕 at first, but one soon gets tired of being lost, stolen, or strayed.
3. "I am very sorry we ran away," said Toby. "And we shall never find our way home again. Never! ah! never no more."
Suppose, said Fido, "we look out for a new home. What do you say, Toby?"
4. Toby cleared his throat, and licked his lips. Then he shook his head sadly.
One pup may be all very well, but two in a family you're not born to—that's no joke. Nobody would have us. To tell you the truth, Fido, we must—
What, dear?
Part! You go your way. I'll go mine. Let each of us choose new owners, and do the best we can for ourselves.
5. "Very well," said Fido briskly 〔3〕 . "Of course, I shall see that my owner is up to the mark. I like stylish people, who live in fine houses, and have grand things to wear, and tip-top bones to pick."
I like nice fireside folk, yapped Toby.
And so they waited and waited, watching. the people pass to and fro.
6. At length a smart young man came tripping 〔4〕 along,
with a fine cane in his hand, and a round glass in his eye.
Bow-wow-wow, said little Fido, dancing round the young man's legs, and then running behind a lamp-post in a flutter 〔5〕 .
7. "Hullo, there, you dog!" cried the young man.
Wow-wow, came from Fido.
Where are you?
Come here, you little dog. Fido came towards him very slowly.
Good dog!
8. Then the young man whistled such a kind whistle. It quite won the heart of Fido. And as Toby peeped round the corner, all that he saw was Fido's little tail wagging, and Fido's little feet trotting after the young man.
〔1〕 cramp: Stiffness in the limbs; aches and pains.
〔2〕 exciting: Thrilling; full of interest.
〔3〕 briskly: Quickly; sharply.
〔4〕 tripping: Walking smartly.
〔5〕 in a flutter: Trembling with excitement.