crumb journey kin-dle
fore-tell goods blight
cheer-less re-veals des-pise
mess-age grudge gos-pel
con-founds dwarf beacon
1. A crumb will feed a little bird,
A thought prevent an angry word,
A seed bring forth full many a flower,
A drop of rain foretell a shower!
2. A little cloud the sun will hide,
A dwarf may prove a giant's guide,
A narrow plank a safe bridge form,
A smile some cheerless spirit warm.
3. A step begins the journey long,
A weak head oft outwits the strong,
A gull defies 〔1〕 the angry sea,
A word will set a captive free!
4. A hornet goads 〔2〕 a mighty beast,
A cry of "fire" breaks up a feast,
A glass shows wonders in the skies,
A little child confounds 〔3〕 the wise!
5. A straw the wild wind's course reveals 〔4〕 ,
A kind act oft an old grudge 〔5〕 heals,
A beacon light 〔6〕 saves many a life,
A slight 〔7〕 will often kindle strife 〔8〕 !
6. A puff of smoke betrays the flame,
A pen-stroke e'en will blight 〔9〕 a name,
A little hand may alms bestow,
A message small brings joy or woe!
7. The widow's mite a great gift proved;
A mother's prayer has heaven moved:
"Then let us not," the poet sings,
"Despise 〔10〕 the gospel of small things."
〔1〕 defies: Laughs at; braves.
〔2〕 goads: stings into madness.
〔3〕 confounds: puzzles.
〔4〕 reveals: shows plainly.
〔5〕 grudge: ill-feeling towards someone.
〔6〕 beacon light: a light set to guide, as in a lighthouse.
〔7〕 slight: act of neglect.
〔8〕 kindle strife: start quarrels.
〔9〕 blight: wither; injure.
〔10〕 despise: look down upon with scorn.