1. Hardly had Omar plucked the roses, when he was startled [1] by a savage roar close by, and, looking round in terror, he saw a huge bear at his side. While Omar shook with fright, the bear growled, "Who are you that dare to rob my garden? Prepare [2] at once for death, for all who steal my flowers must die!"
2. The merchant begged for mercy. "Good beast," said he, "I wished to ask for leave to pick a bunch of flowers, but could see no one. I plucked these roses for my dear daughter, Beauty, who is longing for some flowers. I am willing to pay for them. See, here is much gold for your roses."
3. "Put up your purse!" roared the beast. "My flowers are more precious to me than all the gold in India. If you have nothing more to offer, you must surely die!"
4. Omar begged that, at least, he might go home and bid his daughters farewell. "At your gate," said he, "are horses laden with all my wealth. I will leave them with you as a surety [3] for my return."
5. Moved by Omar's tears the bear replied, "I do not want your goods. You may go and bid farewell to your children, but fail not to return lest you and they perish. But, if you wish me to spare your life, bring with you the daughter, Beauty, for whom you plucked the roses. If she will stay and serve me for one year, you shall both be free."
6. Omar took the roses, and with a heavy heart went on his way. As he drew near to his home, his daughters came to meet him, threw their arms around his neck, and kissed him with great joy.
7. On seeing the lovely roses, Beauty cried out with delight, and kissed her father again and again. When she saw that he did not smile, but only sighed, she said, "Why are you so sad, dear father? I am afraid that you must have met with some great trouble upon your journey."
8. "Ah, my dear!" replied her father, "those roses have been dearly [4] bought." He then told her of his visit to the beast's garden, and of all that had taken place there, except that he said nothing about the beast's wish for her service.
9. Her sisters blamed Beauty for the trouble that had come upon them. "Had you not asked for the flowers," said they, "our father would never have gone into that horrid beast's garden. Why did you not ask for something sensible?" With many tears they begged Omar not to return to the beast.
10. "My dears," said he, "I have given my word to go back, and go I must, lest a worse evil come upon all of us."
11. Beauty then declared that she would go with him, and add her prayers and tears to his, so that the beast might have mercy upon them. "Ah!" said her father, "Beauty, you must not go," and then he had to tell her of the beast's wish.
12. "Dear father," said Beauty, "if I can thus save you I will surely go; and, if you will not take me, I must find the way for myself."
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[1] startled: Caused to start with fright.
[2] prepare: Make ready.
[3] surety: Pledge.
[4] dearly: At a great cost.