1. Among my tender vines I spy
A little fox named By-and-by !
Then set upon him quick, I say,
The swift young hunter—Right away !
2. Around each clinging vine I plant,
I find the little fox—I can't !
Then fast as ever hunter ran
Chase him with bold and brave—I can !
3. No use in trying ! lags [1] and whines [2]
This fox among my growing vines.
Then drive him low and drive him high,
With the good hunter, named I'll try !
4. Among the roots in my small lot
Creeps in the sly fox—I forgot !
Then hunt him back into his den
With I will not forget again !
5. A surly [3] fox is hidden there
Among the vines, named I don't care !
Then let I'm sorry!—hunter true—
Chase him afar from vines and you.
* * *
Do your best, your very best,
And do it every day—
Little boys and little girls,
That is the wisest way.
No matter what you try to do,
At home or at your school,
Always do your very best—
There is no better rule.
* * *
[1] lags: Stays lazily behind.
[2] whines: Cries fretfully.
[3] surly: Bad-tempered.