1. Come lasses and lads, let me sing to-night
A straight little simple song,
A song that is neither of love's delight,
Nor of war with its hate and wrong,
A song with a motto [1] for ev'ry one,
A motto for peasant [2] or king,
A song that will do for any of you,
And this is the song I sing:
Peg away, lad! never look sad,
Whatever you have to do—
Don't be afraid, sweet little maid,
That the load is too heavy for you—
Peg away, lass!
Peg away, lad!
Cheery and staunch [3] and gay——
If a thing's to be won,
There's naught to be done
But just keep pegging away!
2. But if ever you feel just sick of yourself,
As you still keep pegging along,
And you fancy you only are fit for the shelf [4] ,
And all that you do goes wrong,
It's only a coward his post who leaves,
And the coward will have to pay;
Then pull off your jacket and roll up your sleeves,
And keep on pegging away!
Stick to it, lad! never look sad,
But tackle [5] it straight and true,
Don't be afraid, sweet little maid,
You can tackle it too.
Peg away, etc.
3. And whether, at last, the prize you've won,
Or whether you lose the day,
You'll be the better for what you've done,
The better for pegging away;
Life will be brighter in ev'ry part,
And the world a happier place,
And though you've an ache deep down in your heart,
You can still keep a smiling face!
Stick to it, lad! never look sad,
Whatever you have to do.
Don't be afraid, sweet little maid,
You can stick to it too;
Peg away, lass!
Peg away, lad!
And then in your hearts you'll say—
Whatever has worth
In this blessed old Earth,
Tis won by pegging away!
* * *
[1] motto: Some word or words to follow as a guide.
[2] peasant: One who works in the country; a poor farm hand.
[3] staunch: Strong, brave.
[4] fit for the shelf: Fit only to be put aside.
[5] tackle: Attack, grasp.