(原版)澳大利亚语文第三册 LESSON 53
教程:澳大利亚语文第三册  浏览:185  
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    1. Long ago there lived a little princess called Atalanta, who was very fond of playing games with the boys. She was a very fast runner, and her playmates soon found that, although she was only a girl, she could race them all.


    2. Atalanta grew into a lovely maiden, and many a young man wished that he could marry her. She said that she would marry no one except the man who could race her. Many tried to beat her in a race, but they all failed. The terrible thing was, that when they lost the race, they had to be put to death.

    3. One day a handsome young prince watched Atalanta race. He thought she looked most lovely as she ran. Her long, golden hair streamed out behind her, her bright eyes shone, and her swift feet seemed to have wings upon them. Although it was a great risk to take, the prince made up his mind to try to race her.

    4. First of all, he went to the goddess Venus, and asked her to help him. Venus went into her garden, where she had a wonderful tree, with yellow leaves and golden apples upon it. She picked three of the apples, and, giving them to the prince, told him what to do with them.

    5. The day of the prince's race came, and there was a great crowd of people to see it. The prince was greatly excited [1] . Atalanta liked him, and she was not eager to begin the race. She was too proud of her name as a runner, to wish to lose the race. She did not want to win either, for then the charming [2] prince must die.

    6. The two runners toed the mark [3] , and waited for the signal to start. There was a loud blast of a trumpet, and off they went. Atalanta ran like the wind, and was soon ahead of the prince. The crowd cheered him on. Then he rolled one of his golden apples along the ground, right past Atalanta's feet.

    7. She looked down in great surprise at the ball of gold. Then she stopped for a second to pick it up. While she paused, the prince raced ahead; and the crowd cheered and cheered. Atalanta ran faster than ever, and soon passed the prince.

    8. Again he rolled a golden apple in front of her. She stopped to watch it, and ended by picking it up. The prince passed her once more; but in a few moments the swift Atalanta was again leading.

    9. The winning-post was now not far off. The prince threw his last apple, hoping and hoping that once more Atalanta would stop. She saw the gleaming fruit roll across the sand, and felt that she must have it. For just one second she bent down and caught it up.

    10. That was the prince's chance. Darting past her, he reached the winning-post just in front of her.

    * * *

    [1] excited: Stirred up.

    [2] charming: Very pleasing, delightful.

    [3] toed the mark: Stood ready for the signal to start.

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