1. Something each day—a smile—
It is not much to give,
And the little gifts of life
Make sweet the days we live.
The world has weary hearts
That we can bless and cheer,
And a smile for every day
Makes sunshine all the year.
2. Something each day—a word—
We cannot know its power;
It grows in fruitfulness
As grows the gentle flower.
What comfort it may bring
Where all is dark and drear!
For a kind word every day
Makes pleasant all the year.
3. Something each day—a thought—
Unselfish, good, and true,
That aids another's need
While we our ways pursue;
That seeks to lighten hearts,
That leads to pathways clear;
For a helpful thought each day
Makes happy all the year.
4. Something each day—a deed—
Of kindness and of good,
To link [1] in closer bonds [2]
All human brotherhood [3] .
Ah, thus the heavenly will
We all may do while here;
For a good deed every day
Makes blessed all the year.
* * *
[1] link: Each part of a chain.
[2] bonds: Chains.
[3] brotherhood: Friendliness, as between brothers.