(原版)澳大利亚语文第五册 LESSON 16
教程:澳大利亚语文第五册  浏览:180  
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    GRASSHOPPERS four a-fiddling went,

    Heigh-ho! never be still!

    They earned but little towards their rent [1]

    But all day long with their elbows bent

    They fiddled a tune called Rilloby-rilloby,

    Fiddled a tune called Rilloby-rill.

    Grasshoppers soon on Fairies came,

    Heigh-ho! never be still!

    Fairies asked with a manner of blame,

    Where do you come from, what is your name? What do you want with your Rilloby-rilloby, What do you want with your Rilloby-rill?

    Madam, you see before you stand,

    Heigh-ho! never be still!

    The old Original Favourite Grand

    Grasshopper's Green Herbarian [2] Band,

    And the tune we play is Rilloby-rilloby,

    Madam, the tune is Rilloby-rill."

    Fairies hadn't a word to say,

    Heigh-ho! never be still!

    Fairies seldom are sweet by day,

    But the Grasshoppers merrily fiddled away,

    Oh, but they played with a willoby-rilloby,

    Oh, but they played with a willoby-will!

    Fairies slumber and sulk at noon,

    Heigh-ho! never be still!

    But at last the kind old motherly moon

    Brought them dew in a silver spoon,

    And they turned to ask for Rilloby-rilloby,

    One more round of Rilloby-rill.


    * * *

    [1 ] rent: The money paid for the use of a house.

    [2 ] herbarian: Grass-eating.

      上一篇:(原版)澳大利亚语文第五册 LESSON 15 下一篇:(原版)澳大利亚语文第五册 LESSON 17

